It is the dream of almost every woman to exhibit bulky and full hair, as well as a commercial of shampoo, but it is not all women who have this privilege.

A common problem among women is complaining about thin, brittle hair. Most of the time, the cause of this problem is in genetics, that is, they were inherited from family members. Another cause (even worse) is the gradual loss of capillary mass, which is lose over the years for a variety of reasons.

But now enough talk about bad things, and let's talk about the good one: the solutions!

Hydrate your hair once a week

1- Hydrate once a week

As always, there is no healthy hair without care. So, use your capillary schedule and make hydrations once a week, it can be at home or in the saloon. You can vary between industrialized or natural masks and see which ones are the best for your hair.

2- Capillary reconstructions

Moisturizing by itself already helps a lot to thicken the wires and improve the health of the hair fiber. But to get really at the root of the fiber you need to go deeper to return the lost nutrients. You can perform it at a beauty salon or at home, using specific reconstructive masks. Ideally, it should be repeated every 15 days or every month, depending on how thin and thin your strands are. This is a very important tip if the cause of your fine hair is the chemical.

3- Amino acids

Amino acids are essential for the structure of the strands, so they need to be in a certain amount in our body. You can use it directly in the hair (through products), but mainly, be aware of your food! A healthy diet rich in proteins (soy, egg, milk, cheese, meats, fish, chickpeas) is the key to this process.

4 - Use gelatin powder

This tip is wonderful because besides being powerful it is cheap. Put two tablespoons of the gelatin inside the shampoo glass and mix well. After that, use the product when washing hair, massage them for about 5 minutes so that the mixture acts on the structure. Then remove all the product with cold water and apply the conditioner normally.

Vitamin H helps to thicken hair

5- Vitamin H

Just like amino acids, vitamin H is essential to replenish hair mass and thicken hair. Therefore, bet on a rich food in these nutrients, such as fish, eggs and nuts.

Use mayonnaise!

6- Use mayonnaise

That's another great cheap tip! Mayonnaise has a highly moisturizing power capable of combating all dryness, the problem that most causes the wear and thinning of the threads. Apply mayonnaise throughout your hair and put on a cap. Let her act for about 15 minutes and then wash her hair normally. But attention! Put a towel around the neck as the mayonnaise should heat up and drain.

7- Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are wonderful for moisturizing hair. You can put it in your mask, in your conditioner or even pass it directly on wet or dry wires. Do it weekly. Among the best choices we can mention the argan, the coconut or the olive oil.

Hair is one of the main values ​​of the woman and to have it full and with movement is the dream that all thought to be unattainable. We hope we have helped you to end this drama and make peace with your hair!


Written by Luiza Lima

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